Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wise Chip Route What Is The Difference Energy Wise Between Eating A Plate Of Chips And A Jacket Potato?

What is the difference energy wise between eating a plate of chips and a Jacket Potato? - wise chip route

After lunch today, had one of us a baked potato and the other a plate of chips. Now I know that Spud is oven is best for you and Slow Food energy is released, but when the chips are just cut potatoes for what is worse for you?

Just because they are not fried?

Do - as a side issue - what nutrients for you?


tjs282 said...

There are two problems: One is that carbohydrates (starch, sugar and fat) contain content that other nutrients. (By the way, "nutrient" only "a substance that feeds", which contains vitamins and minerals)

The Cabinet and the chips have a similar strength (carbohydrate extended release) content, but the chips are a lot of extra fat (carbohydrates have quick release) to. Frying fat also tends to be higher (in saturated fatty acids, especially animal fats), which is) to increase their production of so-called "bad" cholesterol, as soon as it goes, your body (and of course much more easier for your body store more fat tissue.

Frozen "oven" chips in supermarkets are only slightly healthier than potato chips, because they were fried in the party of the plant before freezing. The only good thing that one can say about them is that they fry twice.

There is also another question that save the most coffee-restaurant fryers and industrial use (money) in general do not change oil as often as it should, resulting in an accumulation of all sorts of harmful substances in the oil, which is in the food industry.

So, generally has a baked potato of a low-fat chips, it is "better" for you. However, if you throw a load of butter / cheese and sour cream to having you with us come to the increased fat. How much depends on how much filling you want!

On the question of nutrients, a baked potato is actually a little more "nutritious" when the skin and the interior, like eating the most vitamins and minerals in the skin. In other words, what remains after the pope, sitting in an oven for an hour or two, some vitamins are broken down when heated. (This also applies to potatoes in the microwave, it is clear that nuclear power would not be so long, but you still heating up!)

In answer to your question: nutrients, not all kinds of things for you! Some vitamins are used in the metabolic release (energy), some are necessary for the proper functioning of the immune systemSome help reduce the toxins that are introduced by or within the cells of the body produces. Minerals are used in particular as protein supplements for the structure, catalysis, transport through cell walls and around your body to list too many features to all!

Most vitamins and minerals have a limited lifespan in your body, but if they are excreted in the chemical process is defective, or the liver or kidneys. Therefore, you should eat a balanced diet to keep EVERY one days at a reasonable level.

This could mean that respect a little more attention to what you eat, but it is healthier than taking vitamin A tablets, which say the ads, not to mention cheaper! (Too many vitamin pills as an excuse to eat a bad diet "I have a hamburger, I'll pick up a center!").

jumping genes21 said...

FACTORS THAT THE CONTENTS nothing about his u find all of the chips, is bold

kreen said...

The oil for frying the pieces do not add more calories and fat, potatoes are used, but a balanced diet is just that - a little of this and a bit of that ... so I always eat sensible portions and get lots of variety in food (and yes, it means that the consumption of fat / oil, as well as proteins and carbohydrates!).

The Pope is none other than the words of chips in relation to the production of energy from carbohydrates, per se (, starch) and mashed them all anyway and the rate of degradation of starch by the agency is the same in both cases - the theory can go into the trash .... Nutritionists should study more ...... Healers Flippin'....

In terms of nutrients, potatoes are very good ..... Nutrients are usually things like vitamins and minerals in small quantities are needed to keep your body working iron, it is necessary, for example, hemoglobin that allows red blood cells carry oxygen, calcium and phosphorus are making (under other things) the realization of the bone and so on ..... necessary

stickyri... said...

It depends on what chips are in some people are still fried in animal fat unhealthy (McDoanlds is?)

Mr X said...

Nutrients are little mites running around your body, fixing something wrong with him. Everyone knows that!

Chips and Spuds; difference? I think he has a point - but this is in preparation, or if the skin instead of mashed potatoes in it? Oooo ... not think that ... Good luck in your search Tarnibee!

Chunkylo... said...

Yes, and adds a lot of oil in each node potaoto Calloria cut, so it is bad for you, see the book Biology of nutrients and the local library of the Uruguay Round and science teachers

Chunkylo... said...

Yes, and adds a lot of oil in each node potaoto Calloria cut, so it is bad for you, see the book Biology of nutrients and the local library of the Uruguay Round and science teachers

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