Monday, January 4, 2010

Floor Fountains Why Does My Cat "sweep" The Floor Before He Drinks His Water?

Why does my cat "sweep" the floor before he drinks his water? - floor fountains

It seems stupid to dig. It has nailed a water source and the beginning of the source before you start drinking. Does anyone know why? Is it possible that OCD can have a cat?


cat lover said...

Yep. Been there, seen that. Watch it with a smile.

When asked about the source, if a stream and kill the leader, is likely to lick the flows from his head. Sometimes it takes a while to understand that you can not lick off the current. They often learn to look for another cat has learned.

My oldest cat is drinking from a stream, but my youngest son has not yet been done completely dissolved. She dips her head well, crushing the current or scar on the course.

Audra said...

Some cats will "bury" their food and water. Mina with their water, for some reason. It is possible that this disease, but only if the cat is or is someone getting hurt, so good.

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